Building a Revolutionary Women's Movement

Building a Revolutionary Women's Movement

In the face of escalating reactionary attacks on our basic rights, it is urgent that we build a revolutionary women's movement as a part of the broader working class struggle to smash capitalism once and for all. But this task can only be achieved if we equip ourselves with a theoretical outlook that can cut through the ideological illusions pressed on us by the ruling class.

Join us at the Lucy Parsons Center on Sunday 8 December to read selections from 'Marxism, MariƔtegui and the Women's Movement,' and discuss the inseparable link between the emancipation of women and the working class struggle for socialism.

"For Marxism, women, as much as men, are but a set of social relations, historically adapted and changing as a function of the changes of society in its development process. Woman then is a social product, and her transformation demands the transformation of society."

"The bourgeois woman unites feminism with the interests of the conservative class. The proletarian woman unifies her feminism with the faith of the revolutionary multitudes in the society of the future. The class struggle--an historical fact and not merely a theoretical assertion--is reflected on the feminist stage. Women, like men, are reactionaries, centrists or revolutionaries."