From Iowa to Massachusetts, Beat Back the Fascist Attack on Trans People!

On Friday 28 February, and in the face of mass opposition, Iowa's right-wing Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law a bill stripping away nondiscrimination protections from transgender people,following on the heels of a wave of state- and federal-level attacks on LGBT people all over the country.
This reactionary counteroffensive has made its target clear: basic democratic rights, hard won through a half-century of militant struggle. Part of the fascist response to the growing crisis of international capitalism and ruling class "democracy," these attacks - despite their rhetoric - are not aimed at "defending" women and children, but at maintaining the patriarchal family-form from which the oppression of women flows.
And while the right-wing escalates its anti-people agenda, so-called "progressive" politicians, like Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton, show their true colors by making further concessions to reaction and selling out transgender people in the process.
We know the truth: neither party stands for us, for the masses of working class and oppressed people. The Democrats are content to leverage their "support" for progressive causes when they can use it to further the electoral blackmail, but their commitment goes no further than the ballot box.
But it's not just politicians who would rather collaborate with the reactionaries than actually fight alongside us for liberation. The "progressive" non-profit scene - from groups like One Iowa, who peace-policed the counterdemonstrations against the recent anti-trans bill, to Boston Pride for the People, who have chosen time and again to align themselves with Zionism and u.s. imperialism - is part of the same machine.
By constraining us to "working within the system," these organizations aim to fuse the mass movement with the state, limit our horizons, and make activists dependent on 501c3 status for their work, reducing our willingness to escalate or deepen the struggle lest it risk access to funding or resources.
To the electoral blackmail foisted on us by the Democrats, an the legalism curried by the NGOs, we say
In the face of genocide, fascism, and capitalist crisis, we believe that the only response is to take to the streets and fight back. Real freedom for the working class and the masses of the oppressed - women, LGBT people, oppressed national minorities, immigrants, the disabled, and all the other targets of fascist reaction - can only come through the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and the end of its system of exploitation and greed.
Stand with us at 3pm on the Boston Common on 8 March, International Working Women's Day.
Let's build a REVOLUTIONARY WORKING WOMEN'S MOVEMENT that can take up the class struggle and join the fight to smash capitalism once and for all.
Together, we can UNLEASH THE FURY OF WORKING WOMEN as a force to combat fascism, protect our transgender siblings, and build a new world, free of exploitation and oppression.